Auction House Madness!

Learn how to auction and what methods I use. I show you how to find markets that can make you gold and how to be a boss at making gold in World of Warcraft.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

The forgotten Companion

It's that time in the expansion when many items are starting to depreciate in value and we all know the mutants think they have to get rid of everything as fast as they can before MoP hits.  Now that the beta has begun it has really heightened the level of mutosity in Azeroth.  In the midst of all this madness there are a few items in particular that are relatively cheap that you can pick up to make a companion pet that seems to be getting brushed under the rug.

Using 8 Heavenly Shards, 1 Maelstrom Crystal and only 8 Hypnotic Dust, Enchanters can craft the Enchanted Lantern.  The closer to MoP we get the lower the prices on these mats will be.

The Aliance equivalent is the Magic Lamp.  However this post is geared towards the horde Enchanted Lantern, The Magic Lamp may be a bit more costly because instead of Hypnotic Dust, it uses Greater Celestial Essences.  You should still be able to make this and turn a profit without a problem.

This being said we all know MoP will harness the future for all companion pets with the new pet battle system.  Pets will be selling more than ever before so be sure to check your AH on prices for the items to make this companion!

These two companions are also good to import and sell on opposing factions where your more likely to make a bigger sale.  Bring it back to life on your server and have fun making some gold while your at it.

Be sure to check out my favorite vendor pets to sell. I made a post about it here.


Do you like what you see here?  Great!  It's all free but I could use a coffee to keep me going.  Care to donate?  Please do!  Click here to donate through Paypal.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Arida's UI in a Nutshell

Ok, so here we go! I have been getting an assload of people asking what UI I use on my Youtube channel and on my Twitch live feed page.

The UI is called LUI v3 and you can download it here but do so at your own risk. The UI is not for beginners and takes some time to set up and get used to. there are tons of options making this UI very customizable... is that even a word? Ok, so no but moving on. I do not have any videos or tutorials on how to use the UI so you know that going in. You can however send Astheria over at youtube a message if you have questions. She's good with helping people set it up etc.

See ya around!

Do you like what you see here?  Great!  It's all free but I could use a coffee to keep me going.  Care to donate?  Please do!  Click here to donate through Paypal.

ZOMG New Blog Get!

Arida now has a new blog so watch out everyone! Just kidding =) I'll be posting some cool stuff here like my TSM lists and other things I don't want to lose. Be sure to bookmark it if your a true hardcore fan of mine.... can I bribe you with mage cakes?

Sunday, March 18, 2012

General TSM Shopping Lists

Here is a list of general shopping list items for TSM.  Feel free to edit them to your liking.  Keep in mind they only work for TradeSkillMaster.  I plan on making more general lists soon so be sure to check back on this post or follow me on twitter @WoWMarketeer for updates.  This is not a deal finding list post!  Only shopping lists will be displayed here and I will be making a Deal finding post soon so stay tuned for that.

Feel free to share your lists in the comment section below!

Watch the video below to see how you import lists into TSM.


Ores s1@2770,2772,36909,2776,36912,53038,11370,2771,3858,2775,23424,23425,52183,52185,36910,23426,10620,23427$@

Flowers s1@3358,765,2453,13463,13464,13465,785,36901,36905,36907,8838,8839,52984,52986,52988,22785,22786,22789,8846,3355,3820,2450,3356,3821,52983,52985,3357,13466,36906,2447,22791,52987$item:36903:0:0:0:0:0:0:1145679936:85:0[adder's tongue]@ 

Cata Flowers

Cata Fish

Cata Volatiles



Cata BoE List


Archeaology Keystones



Do you like what you see here?  Great!  It's all free but I could use a coffee to keep me going.  Care to donate?  Please do!  Click here to donate through Paypal.